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Site Searches for Fidget Spinner Grew 1600% and Nearly 2000 Variations Were Used!

September 6 2017

Back in June, we released a graph showing the growth in on-site search volume for "fidget spinner" and related terms among our various retail clients.

From March to June,  related searches grew 1600% and 2000 variations and misspellings of the term were used.

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Luckily for our customers, our site search engines are pretty good at handling related searches and misspellings. Which means we were capable of interpreting and converting a search for "tri spinner" and "fidjackspinner".

Fidget spinner.jpg-large.jpeg

Our creative colleague, Max, made a really cool video that visualises the trend of fidget spinner from May-July 2017.

The data he used is taken from one of our customers - a large children's toy retailer.

The words you see are search queries made in their e-commerce store between the months of May and July, 2017. The size of the words reflect how many searches were made for that word in real time.

It's quite fascinating. 


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