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Crushing Targets - How Cervera went from 92 to 480 million SEK in yearly turnover - in just 18 months!

This 45-minutes webinar is around Cervera's story of beating the industry index for 18 months straight.

5 October 2021
1:30 PM CET

Watch the webinar recording

In this webinar, we will have a live interview with the e-commerce manager of Cervera, Nic Staeger. He will take you behind the scenes of the unprecedented story of how Cervera beat the industry index 18 months straight. A transformation that even increased the sales in the physical stores in the middle of the pandemic.

  • Learn how this transformation took place
  • Get insights on what to focus on when looking at the numbers
  • Biggest fails
  • Tips and tricks



Our Speakers

Nic Staeger
Nic Staeger

Head of Ecommerce & Customer Service at Cervera

Adam Hjort

VP Customer Success at Loop54

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