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New download: mobile site search and navigation design

January 5 2021

The number of people shopping on mobile devices continues to increase year-on-year. Analysts predict that mobile will drive almost 50% of eCommerce sales by 2022, and we’re seeing similar trends in Europe and the rest of the world.

It’s become such a significant source of online traffic, in fact, that Google launched mobile-first indexing earlier this year. This means that the algorithm underpinning the world’s most popular search engine will now prioritise mobile performance over desktop when ranking web pages potentially penalising sites that don't have a good mobile presence.

To stay competitive in this changing retail landscape, it’s vital that your eCommerce store offers a smooth user experience for your mobile customers.

Frictionless search, hassle-free navigation: uncover the secrets of effective  mobile UX design in our latest guide. Download your free copy today.

Adapting your website for mobile

Search and navigation are key to providing a positive user experience on mobile.

When mobile customers visit an eCommerce site, many of them are looking for a specific product. And they expect to be able to locate it and complete their purchase, fast. Recent research suggests that as many as 59% of smartphone users favour mobile websites that allow them to make quick purchases.

But optimising search and navigation for mobile is a delicate process.

Conveying key product information with limited on-screen real estate; ensuring customers know what’s clickable and what isn’t; compensating for the inevitable errors that come from using a digital keyboard. There are many unique challenges associated with mobile design.

To help you overcome them, we’ve created a comprehensive new guide: Mobile Site Search and Navigation Design.

What’s inside?

Our guide combines the latest best practice guidance and our own industry expertise to help you create frictionless experiences for your mobile customers.

You'll learn about the key differences between mobile and desktop website design. More importantly, we show you how to make the most of limited screen estate and ensure you're always showing relevant products to your customers.

Discover how to:

  • Design your search bar
  • Leverage autocomplete functionality
  • Structure your category navigation
  • Get the most out of filters and facets
  • Organise product lists
  • Name products
  • Improve product loading speeds

Download your free copy today.Mobile Site Search and Navigation Design Guide CTA


Search & Navigation

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