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How to Create the Best Search UX on Mobile

March 16 2017

A lot of retailers will get around a bad search experience on desktop by improving navigation, filters and product recommendations, but those workarounds don't work on mobile.

The mobile consumer has high expectations. They expect convenience and minimal friction points in their mobile shopping journey.  They want 100% relevant content that can be quickly consumed.

The right search engine and UX design for mobile search can meet those expectations.

Frictionless search, hassle-free navigation: uncover the secrets of effective  mobile UX design in our latest guide. Download your free copy today.

Here is some good advice on how to keep search simple on mobile devices and avoid weird patterns that are not standard. Written by The UX Blog.

"Since your product’s screen real estate must always be taken into consideration, it’s important to prioritize showing the most relevant search results first. This usually amounts to initially displaying 3–5 highly-targeted search results, and using the remaining search results to help users find what they’re looking for as soon as possible. Giving users great immediate search results is a priority, but as Amazon knows, you should also consider that people will browse through pages upon pages of search results during times of boredom (or sheer frustration). All of your product’s search results should be optimized for this reason."

Read the full article

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